Arcane Eye 5e DM Tools
A collection of DM Tools to help run your game smoother.
DM Tools From Around the Internet
Running Your Sessions
Tabletop Audio
Custom soundpad for in-person and online games.
Improved Intiative
The best online Initiative tracker with custom monster and NPC capabilities.
Online battle map creator.
Share music with your players via a link, only works with Youtube videos.
Tons of descriptive boxed text of places, monsters, spells, and other observations.
RoleGenerator is a free online platform for DMs who need random tools in their games. You can generate everything from an Inn to a travel sequence!
Monsters and NPCs
Monster Manual
More than 150 classic D&D creatures, with vivid illustrations and rich descriptions.
Monster a Day Compendium
A collection of homebrew monsters made by Reddit user /u/StoneStrix.
Player Tools
Point Buy Calculator
Great tool if you are using the Point Buy system for character creation.
Web Archive of Fandom's Class Wiki
View all available class and subclass options.
Character Backstory Template
Create characters with this clear, concise outline.
Wild Shape Tracker
Track HP and roll attacks and damage while Wild Shaped! This tool was developed for Arcane Eye by my good friend Andrei!
City Generator by Watabou
Awesome randomly generated city map maker.
Inn and Tavern Generator
Create Taverns with Menus, Patrons and Gossip.
Fantasy Map Builder
Online map building software with an emphasis on dungeons. Get 10% when you use the coupon code ARCANEEYE.
Lost Atlas
Lost Atlas is a battle map search engine that indexes over 5000 free maps. It's got a fast, responsive UI and it supports filtering by size, creator, and more.
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator
Randomly generate your campaign map. Contains tons of filters to further refine the map for your purposes.