Are you a bard looking for a way to give your party an extra edge on those long adventuring days? If so, look no further than the bard’s Song of Rest feature. Let’s take a look at what the Song of Rest is, how it works, and how you can make the most out of it.
Mechanic Overview
Pack Tactics 5e
Creatures swarming adventurers at the worst times is a great trope within D&D or adventure movies. These loosely-coordinated attacks put their foes on edge, forcing them to be constantly fighting all around them. This same feeling has been converted to D&D fame with the Pack Tactics ability for monsters, thanks to 5e.
Damage Types 5e
Whether you want to burn, freeze, slash, or crush your foes, D&D’s damage type mechanic will make sure your attacks feel impactful.
Steady Aim 5e
For when you simply need to hit, Steady Aim is there to give you a boost to your attack rolls!
Long Rest 5e: How to Make Them Count
You need to long rest 5e for healing and regaining abilities, but few people know how great they can be for pacing your adventure with quiet, slow moments
Passive Perception 5e
Passive skill checks are a confusing mechanic and the official rules don’t offer a lot of clarity. In this article, we seek to understand the passive rule, when it applies, and how players and DMs can better utilize it in their games.
Concentration 5e
Just as swordsmen rely on their skills with a blade to keep them alive, the lifeline of spellcasters is their ability to harness magic. Certain powerful spells require more than just the ability to manipulate the arcane arts, they require the user to continually maintain control over the spell’s duration.
Concentration was introduced in 3.5 as a way to regulate powerful spells with multi-turn durations. But what exactly does it mean, and how does it work?
A Guide to the 5e Warlock’s Eldritch Invocations
The Warlock’s invocations make them one of the most customizable 5e classes. Optimizing these abilities are paramount to creating a powerfully unique Warlock build.
How Does Jump Work in 5e?
Jumping is an important movement mechanism for any game and D&D is no different. As always, look before you leap.
Wild Shape 5e
Wild Shape is a versatile ability that can make your Druid effective in just about any situation. Whether you find yourself in a combat, stealth, exploration, or survival situation, there are ways to put Wild Shape to use. As we say in the business: “There’s a Wild Shape for that.”