The horror genre is versatile, exhilarating, and unique. Running D&D games with a horror theme is a great way for DMs to learn about suspense, pacing, and payoffs. Plus, it can be fun to scare our players every once in a while.
Setting Guides
A Spelljammer’s Guide to the Rock of Bral
Before you blast off into Wildspace, get to know the most popular pitstop for spelljamming adventurers, merchants, politicians, and criminals—the Rock of Bral!
D&D Christmas Adventures and Ideas
We’ve compiled a bunch of resources to help those looking for a festive D&D Christmas session this season!
Greek Mythology in D&D 5e
Some of the greatest stories of heroes and monsters originated from classic Greek myths. This article breaks down how to run a Greek mythology setting in D&D 5e.