Feature Your Project on Arcane Eye

By Mike Bernier

Published on March 25, 2020, Last modified on July 20th, 2020

At Arcane Eye, we love featuring content creators and innovators in the D&D and TTRPG space!

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Are you a content creator or innovator in the D&D space? We’d love to hear from you!

At Arcane Eye, we believe that a strong community of creators will greatly benefit the pastime we are all so passionate about. In order to help strengthen the community, and get the word out about new and exciting D&D projects, we’d like to help you feature your project.

We offer two types of features at Arcane Eye, Interviews and Product Spotlights. More information can be found below.

What does an Interview Feature involve?

We believe the people behind the project make the project.

Interview Features are great opportunities for creators that do not have a physical product to sell. For these features, we will send you a Google Doc of questions that dig into your history as a D&D lover as well as your project’s details. We will also include a link and instructions on how to support your project.

We will post this article to our site, send out the feature in a newsletter to our subscriber list, and share the post on all of our social channels!

Here are some examples of Interview Features:

What does a Product Spotlight Feature involve?

Product Spotlights are for creators that are selling a physical product. We have worked with a number of dice companies, gaming boxes, and other D&D merchandise creators in the past.

To be featured in a Product Spotlight, get in touch and we will provide information for the shipping of your product. If available, we typically review a “high end” product and a “low end” product in order to provide an idea of your brand’s full range of offerings.

What do I get out of a Product Spotlight?

Professional Photography

When reviewing your product, our photographer will snap some awesome, high quality pictures that can be used in the spotlight. Once the spotlight is posted, we will send over any images taken in their RAW and edited form.

Social Channels

We will post this article to our site, send out the feature in a newsletter to our subscriber list, and share the post on all of our social channels!

No Ads

We use ads to cover costs of running the site. When we feature your project on Arcane Eye, we will disable the ads on the article so the focus is entirely on you!

Product Spotlight Examples

Here are some examples of Product Spotlight Features:

Will featuring my project on Arcane Eye cost money?

Yes. Proceeds from features will go towards paying the writers here at Arcane Eye, as well as things like server costs. If you’re interested in featuring your project, please contact us.

I am interested in featuring my project on Arcane Eye, where do I start?

Head over to our contact page and submit a request. Once we get your message we will reach out with any additional items required!


Mike Bernier

Mike Bernier is the lead content writer and founder of Arcane Eye. He is a Adamantine best-selling author of Strixhaven: A Syllabus of Sorcery on DMs Guild and is a contributing author at D&D Beyond. Follow Mike on Twitter.

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