Scribe 5e Background Guide
Published on December 31, 2024
Explore which D&D classes work best with the Scribe background and how it can help your bookish character write their own adventure!
Sara Winters - Wizards of the Coast - Tolarian Scholar
What Is the Scribe Background in D&D?
The Scribe is a DnD 5e background representing a character who has spent years mastering the craft of writing and preserving knowledge. Whether you worked in a monastery, government agency, or as a library, this background provides bookish characters the ability to thrive on their careful attention to detail.
How Does the Scribe Background Work?
The Scribe background offers the following features:
- Ability Scores: Receive a +2 bonus to one ability and +1 to another, or a +1 bonus to all three: Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom.
- Feat: The Skilled feat grants proficiency in three additional skills of your choice.
- Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and Perception.
- Tool Proficiency: Calligrapher’s Supplies.
- Equipment:
- Option A: Calligrapher’s Supplies, fine clothes, lamp, oil (3 flasks), parchment (12 sheets), and 23 GP.
- Option B: 50 GP for a more customizable loadout.
Let’s break down the benefits:
Ability Scores: This background provides good ability scores for Intelligence and Wisdom-based casters, as well as niche martial builds. Casters can boost their spellcasting ability score by +2 and Dexterity by +1 to help with AC, while Rangers and Monks are able to boost Dexterity by +2 and Wisdom by +1.
Skilled Feat: The Skilled feat offers a decent bonus to skill-focused characters. The only downside with this feat is a bit redundant for these characters, who usually already have a ton of skill proficiencies and the ability to choose whichever proficiencies they’re most focused on. One thing to note is that the 2024 Player’s Handbook has given tools more mechanical effects, so they’re a decent option if you’ve exhausted useful skill proficiencies. For instance, picking up a proficiency in Thieves’ Tools will give you Advantage on picking locks thanks to the Sleight of Hand proficiency you pick up from the Charlatan background.
Investigation and Perception Proficiencies: Investigation and Perception are both useful skills to have, especially Perception which is one of the most commonly used skills in the game.
Calligrapher’s Supplies: In the 2024 Player’s Handbook, every tool has been giving a mechanical use and items that you can craft using the tool. The Calligrapher’s Supplies are the only tool that can craft Spell Scrolls, which makes them a very sought after proficiency, especially because the only other way to craft them is by having a proficiency in Arcana.
What Type of Character is the Scribe Background For?
The Scribe background is perfect for Cleric, Druids, Monks and Rangers but can also provide useful boosts to Rogues and Wizards. Dexterity boosts your AC and, for Dexterity-focused martial characters, Finesse and Ranged weapon attack rolls, while Wisdom or Intelligence enhances your caster’s spell attack bonus and spell save DC.
The Skilled feat provides you with additional proficiencies, making the Scribe background ideal for classes that thrive on versatility, like Rogues and Rangers, though for other builds, gaining extra skill proficiencies couldn’t hurt. Proficiencies in Investigation and Perception are crucial for uncovering secrets and spotting hidden dangers, making Scribe a great choice for characters that rely on their keen senses as much as they do their fighting prowess.