20 New Magic Items in the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide

Olga Drebas - Wizards of the Coast - Wizard's Study
Table of Contents
- New Treasures Await
- 1. Baba Yaga’s Dancing Broom
- 2. Energy Bow
- 3. Enspelled Armor
- 4. Enspelled Staff
- 5. Enspelled Weapon
- 6. Executioner’s Axe
- 7. Hag Eye
- 8. Hat of Many Spells
- 9. Lute of Thunderous Thumping
- 10. Potion of Greater Invisibility
- 11. Potion of Pugilism
- 12. Pot of Awakening
- 13. Quarterstaff of the Acrobat
- 14. Rival Coin
- 15. Scroll of Titan Summoning
- 16. Shield of the Cavalier
- 17. Silvered Weapon
- 18. Spirit Board
- 19. Sylvan Talon
- 20. Thunderous Greatclub
New Treasures Await
The 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide is supposedly chock-full of new and revised tips for Dungeon Masters, and it also contains some upgrades for players! Along with the new rules for Bastions, DMs have access to a trove of new and improved magic items to impart to their adventurers.
Want to see the arsenal of magic item additions in the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide? Read on!
1. Baba Yaga’s Dancing Broom
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
This enchanted broom is a cleaner’s dream—or the perfect distraction tool. With a simple Magic action, it becomes an animated companion that follows your commands, swiping at foes or creating mischief as needed. Its telepathic link lets you coordinate its actions up to 30 feet away, making it ideal for utility, stealth, and even combat.
2. Energy Bow
Weapon (Longbow or Shortbow), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
This bow generates its own Force-damaging arrows and includes unique abilities like Arrow of Restraint, Arrow of Transport, and Energy Ladder. Perfect for both offense and utility, it’s a versatile choice for archers who want more than just damage from their weapon.
3. Enspelled Armor
Armor, (Any Light, Medium, or Heavy), Rarity Varies (Requires Attunement)
This magical armor allows any wearer to cast a potent spell bound within it. Holding up to 6 charges, it lets non-spellcasters wield powerful effects like Shield or Cure Wounds. Its rarity varies based on the spell level, and it recharges daily, making it a valuable defense tool for both front-line fighters and support roles.
4. Enspelled Staff
Staff, Rarity Varies (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)
Reserved for spellcasters, this staff holds a spell from any school of magic and can cast it several times daily, with charges replenished at dawn. It’s perfect for saving spell slots on staple spells like Fireball or Healing Word but beware—using its final charge might drain it of magic permanently.
5. Enspelled Weapon
Weapon (Any Simple or Martial), Rarity Varies (Requires Attunement)
Any weapon, simple or martial, can be enhanced with a spell of choice from Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Necromancy, or Transmutation. Ideal for warriors looking to pack a magical punch, it offers effects like Hunter’s Mark or Blindness/Deafness, enhancing both versatility and firepower.
6. Executioner’s Axe
Weapon (Battleaxe, Greataxe, Halberd, or Handaxe), Very Rare
Off with your head! This deadly axe deals extra damage to Humanoids, granting Temporary Hit Points based on the damage dealt. With a +1 bonus to attacks and damage, it’s perfect for front-line fighters who want to sustain themselves mid-battle while dealing devastating strikes to Humanoid targets.
7. Hag Eye
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
A rare item crafted by hag covens, this creepy trinket grants the ability to cast Darkvision or See Invisibility using its charges. Linked to its hag creator, it lets them see through the wearer’s eyes, making it as much a spy tool as it is a useful magical aid. It’s worth noting that this item appears in the 2014 Monster Manual, but has been adapted and brought to the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide to make it more accessible.
8. Hat of Many Spells
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Wizard)
For Wizards, this hat offers the chance to cast unknown spells with a simple reach into the brim. But it doesn’t come without risk! You have to expend a spell slot of the spell you want to use, then magic an Intelligence check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s level. If you succeed, you cast the spell as normal, but if you fail you don’t get the spell slot back and triggers a Wild Magic-like effect. Use it for utility spells like Knock or Fabricate, though prepare for unpredictable surprises!
9. Lute of Thunderous Thumping
Weapon (Club), Very Rare
A Bard-exclusive club that deals Thunder damage. By using Charisma for attack and damage rolls, Bards can wield this lute in combat while singing, turning every swing into a musical—and destructive—performance. Perfect for a Bard looking to make a literal impact.
10. Potion of Greater Invisibility
Potion, Very Rare
Drink this for true invisibility, maintaining the condition for an entire hour, even while attacking, casting spells, or dealing damage. It’s ideal for stealth missions, combat ambushes, or any scenario where staying hidden is key to survival.
11. Potion of Pugilism
Potion, Uncommon
Need a knockout punch? This potion delivers. For 10 minutes, each Unarmed Strike you make deals an additional 1d6 Force damage. Low-level Monks will love this boost, turning each hit into a walloping strike on par with a Crit. Just brace yourself—the potion has a taste reminiscent of canned spinach.
12. Pot of Awakening
Wondrous Item, Common
Grow a green companion with this enchanted pot! Plant a shrub, and in 30 days, it transforms into an Awakened Shrub, loyal and ready to chat. It won’t be much in battle, but who doesn’t want a talking plant sidekick?
13. Quarterstaff of the Acrobat
Weapon (Quarterstaff), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
An adventurer’s Swiss Army staff! This versatile weapon grants a +2 to attack and damage rolls, sheds green light, and can be compressed, lengthened, or thrown (plus, it always comes back!) It’s a perfect fit for Fighters and Monks, with added perks like toppling foes from a distance and deflecting attacks.
14. Rival Coin
Wondrous Item, Common
Feeling lucky? Flip this magic coin and risk a psychic blast. Heads, you deal 2d5 Psychic damage and give an enemy Disadvantage on their next attack; tails, you’re in for a headache (1d4 Psychic damage). A fun, risky choice for players who enjoy a bit of chaos in or out of combat.
15. Scroll of Titan Summoning
Scroll, Legendary
If you want to live out your Godzilla fantasies, summon a Tarrasque, Kraken, Empyrean, Blob of Annilhilation or other titanic creature! Just one thing: It’s hostile to everything in sight. Use with extreme caution—or just leave it to the villains.
16. Shield of the Cavalier
Armor (Shield), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
A knight’s dream shield! This shield grants +2 AC on top of the normal Shield’s bonus and can bash foes back, dealing 2d6 + 2 + Strength + Proficiency Bonus Force damage. It also creates a protective field akin to the Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere spell, blocking area effects like a dragon’s Breath Weapon for up to a minute.
17. Silvered Weapon
Weapon (Any Simple or Martial), Common
The perfect low-level item to reward your party! It gets around those pesky, nonmagical resistances and deals extra damage on a crit against shape-shifted creatures like werewolves and doppelgangers. It’s a simple, effective choice for early-level adventurers that won’t cause too much of a power-level discrepency in your campaign.
18. Spirit Board
Wondrous Item, Very Rare
You can now play with a ouija board in D&D! Need answers from beyond? This eerie item has 3 charges and lets you cast Augury or Commune by channeling spirits to guide the planchette. Ideal for those seeking supernatural guidance…or just a spooky thrill.
19. Sylvan Talon
Weapon (Dagger, Rapier, Scimitar, Shortsword, Sickle, or Spear), Common (Requires Attunement)
I’m not sure why you would want to, but this item allows you to speak with the Fey and understand their language. Now you can get tricked into binding contracts in any language! Once per dawn, you can also use it to cast the Message spell.
20. Thunderous Greatclub
Weapon (Greatclub), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
Embrace the earth-shaking power of thunder with this mighty club! It boosts your Strength to 20 and adds Thunder damage to each hit. Strike with it to knock foes Prone in a thunderous cone, or smash the ground to create a mini-earthquake, devastating enemies and structures alike. Ideal for the barbarian looking to make an impact—literally.