New and Revised Subclasses Coming in the Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide

By Mike Bernier

Published on January 28, 2025, Last modified on January 29th, 2025

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Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide Update

In an Unearthed Arcana released on D&D Beyond on January 28, we get a sneak peek at the content that will be presented in the Forgotten Realms Players Guide coming Q4 2025. We haven’t seen any updates about its companion book that is slated in the D&D release schedule, the Forgotten Realms Dungeon Master’s Guide, but usually, player options are playtested as part of UA, so they get detailed beforehand.

We see some familiar faces alongside new options, so without further ado, let’s dive into the new and revised options in D&D’s latest playtest!

College of the Moon (Bard)

Lius Lasahido – Wizards of the Coast – Tamiyo, The Moon Sage

Step into the enchanting world of the Moonshae Isles, where primal magic meets Bardic Inspiration. At level 3, Moonshae Folktales allow Bards to harness ancient tales for powerful effects, while Primal Lorist grants them proficiency in a skill, the Druidic language, and a cantrip. At level 6, the radiant Blessing of the Moonwells lets Bards cast Moonbeam and heal allies when it damages creatures. By level 14, Bolstered Folktales takes their storytelling magic to th, adding teleportation and resource-free enhancements to their tales.

Feature Level Changes to the 2025 Version
Moonshae Folktales 3 Allows the Bard to invoke primal magic for various benefits depending on the tale (Life, Gloam, Mirth).
Primal Lorist 3 Grants proficiency in a skill, learning Druidic, and one Druid cantrip.
Blessing of the Moonwells 6 Provides a free casting of Moonbeam, healing an ally when an enemy fails a save against it.
Bolstered Folktales 14 Enhances the effects of Moonshae Folktales, including teleportation and using d6 rolls instead of Bardic Inspiration dice.

Knowledge Domain (Cleric)

Bram Sels – Wizards of the Coast – Arcane Investigator

Embrace divine intellect with the revamped Knowledge Domain. Starting at level 3, the Blessings of Knowledge feature adds Artisan’s Tools proficiency and Expertise in two skills. Mind Magic introduces a fresh use for Channel Divinity, casting domain spells without expending a spell slot. At level 6, Unfettered Mind grants telepathy and an option to replace low Intelligence checks with Wisdom. At level 17, Divine Foreknowledge offers Advantage on all d20 Tests for an hour, giving these Clerics a hint of precognition.

Feature Level Changed from 2014? Changes to the 2025 Version
Blessings of Knowledge 3 Yes Adds proficiency with Artisan’s Tools and Expertise in two skills.
Mind Magic 3 New Channel Divinity can be used to cast a prepared domain spell without using a spell slot.
Unfettered Mind 6 New Grants telepathy and allows using Wisdom in place of Intelligence.
Divine Foreknowledge 17 New Use a Bonus Action to grants Advantage on all d20 Tests for an hour.

Purple Dragon Knight (Fighter)

Bayard Wu – Wizards of the Coast – Windgrace Acolyte

The noble Purple Dragon Knight has evolved into a true defender of justice alongside their amethyst dragon companion. At level 3, Knightly Envoy allows ritual casting of Comprehend Languages, while Purple Dragon Companion introduces a bonded baby dragon! At level 7, Dragon Rider adds mounted capabilities and enhances your dragon’s Gravity Breath. By level 15, Amethyst Pinnacle upgrades the dragon’s size and power, allowing synchronized tandem attacks.

Feature Level Changed from 2014? Changes to the 2025 Version
Knightly Envoy 3 Updated Now includes ritual casting of Comprehend Languages.
Purple Dragon Companion 3 New Introduces a bonded dragon companion with unique abilities and growth tied to level.
Dragon Rider 7 New Grants riding capabilities for the dragon and enhanced features for its Gravity Breath.
Rallying Surge 10 New When you take your Action Surge, your allies and mount can either attack or move without provoking Opportunity Attacks
Amethyst Pinnacle 15 New Upgrades dragon size and abilities, allowing tandem attacks.

Oath of the Noble Genies (Paladin)

Alix Branwyn – Wizards of the Coast – Far Traveler

Swear an oath to the elemental forces and wield the splendor of the Noble Genies. At level 3, Elemental Smite adds rider effects to your Divine Smite like grappling, teleportation, or knockback. The additional Genie Spells list provides a options themed around the element of airm like Fly and Gaseous Form. At level 7, Aura of Elemental Shielding grants resistance to a chosen damage type for allies. At level 20, Noble Scion provides flight and, what essentially functions as a Legendary Resistance once per turn.

Feature Level Changes to the 2025 Version
Elemental Smite 3 Channel Divinity to invoke effects like grappling, teleportation, extra damage, or knockback based on genie type.
Genie Spells 3 Adds a unique spell list themed around elemental genies.
Aura of Elemental Shielding 7 Grants resistance to a chosen elemental damage type for self and allies.
Elemental Rebuke 15 When hit with an attack use a Reaction to halve the damage and potentially deal 4d10 elemental damage.
Noble Scion 20 Grants a flying speed, and Legendary Resistances for you and your allies that requires a Reaction to use.

Winter Walker (Ranger)

Matt Stewart – Wizards of the Coast – Horizon Seeker

Become a master of the frozen wilderness with the Winter Walker Ranger subclass. At level 3, Frigid Explorer provides Cold damage resistance and extra damage that ignores resistance to Cold damage. Hunter’s Rime grants Temporary Hit Points and prevents creatures marked by Hunter’s Mark from taking the Disengage action. By level 15, Frozen Haunt transforms Rangers into ghostly terrors immune to Cold, dealing area damage and moving through objects.

Feature Level Changes to the 2025 Version
Frigid Explorer 3 Provides resistance to Cold damage and additional Cold damage on attacks, bypassing resistance.
Hunter’s Rime 3 Grants temporary hit points when casting Hunter’s Mark and prevents marked creatures from taking the Disengage action.
Fortifying Soul 7 Give allies extra Hit Points when you finish a Short Rest and Advantage on saving throws against being Frightened
Chilling Retribution 11 Use a Reaction when you hit a creature to impose the Frightened condition and reduce their Speed to 0.
Frozen Haunt 15 Grants a ghostly, snowy form with Cold immunity, area damage, and incorporeal movement.

Scion of the Three (Rogue)

Marie Magny – Wizards of the Coast – Shessra, Death’s Whisper

Tap into the macabre power of the Dead Three to become a harbinger of fear. At level 3, Bloodthirst adds extra damage to Bloodied foes and some neat teleportation abilities. Dread Allegiance offers resistance and a cantrip based on allegiance to Bane, Bhaal, or Myrkul. By level 13, Aura of Malevolence radiates damage to nearby enemies, ignoring resistances.


Feature Level Changes to the 2025 Version
Bloodthirst 3 Adds extra damage to Sneak Attacks on Bloodied creatures and allows you to teleport and attack when an enemy is reduced to 0 Hit Points.
Dread Allegiance 3 Grants a resistance and a cantrip based on allegiance to one of the Dead Three.
Strike Fear 9 Adds the Terrify Cunning Strike Options, which costs 1d6 and can Frighten the target.
Aura of Malevolence 13 Deals consistent damage to nearby enemies, ignoring resistance.
Dread Incarnate 17 Grants Advantage on attacks against Frightened creatures and allows you to treat 1s and 2s on Sneak Attack damage as 3s.

Spellfire Sorcery (Sorcerer)

Xavier Ribeiro – Wizards of the Coast – Fireball

Harness the raw magic of the Weave with Spellfire Sorcery. At level 3, Spellfire Burst lets Sorcerers heal or deal Radiant/Fire damage by spending Sorcery Points. At level 6, Absorb Spells allows you to use Counterspell to restore Sorcery Point. The level 18 feature, Crown of Spellfire unlocks flight, damage reduction using Hit Dice, and enhanced damage mitigation when making saving throws.

Feature Level Changes to the 2025 Version
Spellfire Burst 3 Allows spending Sorcery Points for healing or dealing Radiant/Fire damage.
Spellfire Spells 3 Adds a variety of healing and fire spells
Absorb Spells 6 Grants Counterspell preparation and restores Sorcery Points on successful counters.
Honed Spellfire 14 Add Sorcerer levels to the Temporary Hit Points gained from Spellfire Burst and Radiant Fire now deals 3d6.
Crown of Spellfire 18 Provides flight, damage reduction using Hit Dice, and reduce damage of effects that impose saving throws.

Bladesinger (Wizard)

John Stanko – Wizards of the Coast – Lae’zel, Vlaakith’s Champion

Combine swordplay and spellcasting in the elegant Bladesinger tradition. At level 3, Bladesong now lets Wizards use their Intelligence modifier for attack and damage rolls. Training in War and Song replaces armor proficiency with versatile weapon use and spellcasting focus options. By level 14, Song of Victory enables a weapon attack as a Bonus Action after casting a spell.

Feature Level Changed from 2014? Changes to the 2025 Version
Bladesong 3 Updated Now allows Intelligence modifier for attack and damage rolls while active.
Training in War and Song 3 Updated Replaces armor proficiency with expanded weapon proficiencies and spellcasting focus use.
Extra Attack 6 Updated Can attack twice and use a Wizard cantrip in place of one of the attacks.
Song of Defense 10 Updated Expend a spell slot and reduce damage taken by 5 times the spell slot level.
Song of Victory 14 Updated Enables a weapon attack as a Bonus Action after casting a spell.

Learn More About the Changes

Todd Kenrick speaks with Jeremy Crawford and Makenzie De Armas about the changes in the Forgotten Realms Subclasses Unearthed Arcana in the video below:

Mike Bernier

Mike Bernier is the lead content writer and founder of Arcane Eye. He is a Adamantine best-selling author of Strixhaven: A Syllabus of Sorcery on DMs Guild and is a contributing author at D&D Beyond. Follow Mike on Twitter.

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