How to Calculate Your Spell Save DC

By Mike Bernier

Published on January 16, 2025

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What Is Spell Save DC?

Spell save DC (the DC stands for Difficulty Class) in Dungeons & Dragons is the target number a creature must meet or exceed when making a saving throw against your spell. A saving throw represents an attempt to resist the effects of a spell, such as avoiding damage or negating a condition.

For example, when a Wizard casts Fireball in combat, creatures in the area of effect must make a Dexterity saving throw against the Wizard’s spell save DC to take half damage instead of full damage. Failing the saving throw means they take the spell’s full damage.

The Steps to Calculate Your Spell Save DC

Your character’s spell save DC is calculated using the following formula:

Spell Save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your spellcasting ability modifier

Here’s how you determine the aspects of this formula:

Step 1: Determine Your Class’ Spellcasting Ability

This depends on your class:

  • Artificers and Wizards: Intelligence.
  • Clerics, Druids, and Rangers: Wisdom.
  • Bards, Paladins, Sorcerers, and Warlocks: Charisma.

If your species, subclass, or a feat you pick up allows you to cast spells, they may have a different spellcasting ability than your class.

Step 2: Determine Spellcasting Ability Modifier

Modifiers are calculated as your ability score minus 10, divided by two:

  • 10–11: +0
  • 12–13: +1
  • 14–15:+2
  • 16–17: +3
  • 18–19: +4
  • 20: +5

Step 3: Determine Your Proficiency Bonus

Your Proficiency Bonus is a bonus that scales the same with every character as they level up:

  • Level 1: +2
  • Level 5: +3
  • Level 9: +4
  • Level 13: +5
  • Level 17: +6

Step 4: Add it All Together and Add 8

8 is the base number for all DCs in D&D; this remains static no matter what level you are.

If you’re a level 5 Cleric with a Wisdom score of 16 (+3 modifier), here’s how you calculate your spell save DC:

Spell Save DC = 8 + 3 (Proficiency Bonus) + 3 (Wisdom modifier)
Spell Save DC = 14

Magic Items That Affect Spell Save DC

Want to boost your spell save DC? Don’t we all. While increasing your spellcasting ability score is the most common way to boost your spell save DC, certain magic items can do so as well. Here are a few noteworthy ones:

  • Ioun Stone of Mastery: Increases your Proficiency Bonus by 1, thereby boosting your spell save DC by 1.
  • Robe of the Archmagi: Increases your spell save DC while also boosting AC and spell attack rolls.
  • Tome of Leadership and Influence: Raises Charisma, benefiting Bards, Paladins, Sorcerers, and Warlocks.

There is also a cycle of magic items made for specific classes and raise the spell save DC of those class’ spells by an amount according to their rarity. Uncommon items offer a +1 bonus, and Rare and Very Rare offer +2 and +3, respectively:

  • Arcane Grimoire: Requires attunement by a Wizard and raises the spell save DC of Wizard spells.
  • All-Purpose Tool: Requires attunement by an Artificer and raises the spell save DC of Artificer spells.
  • Amulet of the Devout: Requires attunement by a Cleric or Paladin and raises the spell save DC of Cleric and Paladin spells.
  • Bloodwell Vial: Requires attunement by a Sorcerer and raises the spell save DC of Sorcerer spells.
  • Moon Sickle: Requires attunement by a Druid or Ranger and raises the spell save DC of Druid and Ranger spells.
  • Rod of the Pact Keeper: Requires attunement by a Warlock and raises the spell save DC of Warlock spells.
  • Rhythm-Maker’s Drum: Requires attunement by a Bard and raises the spell save DC of Bard spells.

How Spell Save DC Interacts with Monsters and Combat

If you’re a spellcaster, your spell save DC will be tested frequently. Many spells that impose a debuff or target an area of effect,  like Hold Person or Fireball, force creatures to make saving throws against your spell save DC.

Failure. If a monster fails their saving throw, they’ll suffer the full effects of your spell, whether that’s full damage on Fireball or the Paralyzed condition from Hold Person.

Success. If a monster succeeds on their saving throw, usually (but not always) your spell will deal half damage to whoever it was targetting. But, some low-level spells (like the Acid Splash cantrip) or high-impact, single-target spells (like Disintegrate) don’t impose any damage on a successful save. If the spell you cast had a debuff and the target(s) save on their saving throw against your spell save DC, they will not suffer the spell’s effects.

If a creature with Legendary Resistance fails a saving throw against your spell, it can expend one of its uses of the ability to succeed instead automatically.

Improving Your Spell Save DC

There is no way to increase your spell save DC beyond improving your spellcasting ability to the point where your modifier increases or acquiring an item that improves your spell save DC. Except for one method introduced in the 2024 Player’s Handbook.

Sorcerers now get an ability at level 1 called Innate Sorcerery. As a Bonus Action, you can activate this ability, and for 1 minute, the spell save DC of your Sorcerer spells is increased by 1.

Now You’re Saved!

Understanding your spell save DC is one of the basics of being a caster. It’s an absolutely crucial area to invest your Ability Score Improvements into, and while it’s not as glamorous or fun as picking up some feats, it’ll make sure your spells are effective into the higher levels of play. Whether you’re a Wizard casting Fireball, a Cleric invoking Spirit Guardians, or a Warlock conjure Hunger of Hadar, maximizing your spell save DC ensures your magic hits more often.

Mike Bernier

Mike Bernier is the lead content writer and founder of Arcane Eye. He is a Adamantine best-selling author of Strixhaven: A Syllabus of Sorcery on DMs Guild and is a contributing author at D&D Beyond. Follow Mike on Twitter.

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