Explore the perilous effects of paralysis in D&D 5e, from combat to spellcasting, and learn tactical tips to handle this immobilizing condition.
Mechanic Overview
Prone 5e
Fall with style in D&D 5e! Learn how the prone condition can be more than just an awkward moment in battle.
Blindsight 5e
Unveil the unseen with blindsight in D&D 5e. Figure out how you can use it to your advantage, and strategies to navigate around creatures that use it against you.
Truesight 5e
Uncover the truth behind truesight in D&D 5e. Discover its mechanics, ways to gain it, tactical uses, and limitations.
Frightened 5e
Explore the frightened condition in D&D 5e, what it does, effects that cause it, and strategies for using and beating the condition.
Invisibility 5e
Explore the unseen world of invisibility in D&D 5e! We take a look at tactical uses, detecting the unseen, and mastering the various ways to become invisible.
Proficiency Bonus 5e
Learn how to boost skills, attacks, and saves using your proficiency bonus in D&D 5e!
Cover 5e
Navigate the D&D battlefield like a tactician by mastering 5e cover mechanics! Learn to use it offensively, defensively, and how to negate it’s effects.
Heavily Obscured 5e
Dispel and obscurity surrounding the dreaded heavily obscured mechanic in D&D 5e!
Turn Undead 5e
Banish the undead with the power of your faith! Here’s how the cleric’s Turn Undead can be a game-changer in your 5e adventures.