Best Races for Monks
Masters of discipline and unarmed combat, monks embody the harmony of body and mind. In Dungeons & Dragons, they are agile warriors who channel Ki to perform feats of acrobatics, enhance their martial arts, and manipulate mystical energy.
Monks are a highly versatile class, excelling in mobility, combat, and self-sufficiency. While their Unarmored Defense and d8 Hit Die make them surprisingly fragile for a melee combatant, while their high-speed movement and Ki-fueled abilities let them traverse the battlefield with ease. Monks thrive on Dexterity and Wisdom, using these stats to fuel their defense, attacks, and class features.
Tips for Choosing Your Monk’s Race
While any race can train their body and mind to perfection, some offer options that align more closely with a Monk’s strengths.
The most important thing to look for are the proper ability score increases because they are multi-ability dependent (MAD) classes.
If you’re using the post-Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Customizing Your Origin rules, your options open up considerably, allowing you to focus on a race that complements your preferred build and playstyle. If you’re not using the rules that override static racial ability boosts, look for races that boost Dexterity, Wisdom, or Constitution.
You also want to find options that increase your mobility, or grant you utility options that supplement the monk’s toolkit.
Monks need DEX to be effective.
- Chromatic: Monks typically struggle with survivability in melee, so a free passive elemental resistance + an activated immunity can go a long way to help them stay up. This, combined with the extra burst damage from the Breath Weapon makes the chromatic dragonborn a solid choice for a monk.
CON is helpful but not a priority. The fact that dwarves don't get access to +2 DEX will really harm a monk build.
- Hill: WIS and hit points, but no DEX unfortunately.
- Mountain: STR doesn’t do anything for monks since they use DEX for attack and damage rolls instead.
Proficiency in Perception is great; Perception is the best skill in D&D 5e. In addition, the DEX score increase of 2 pairs perfectly with the Monk's game plan.
- Aereni Wood: Perfect ASI array and very synergistic passive race features.
- Pallid: Monks are interested in both DEX and WIS, which this subrace provides. The free spells are decent options to help with utility.
- Shadar-kai: DEX and CON are both great ability scores for monks. The bonus resistance and the teleportation ability will help with battlefield mobility and survivability.
INT is useless for a monk.
CHA is bad but you can increase DEX and WIS by 1. Proficiency in two skills is also a nice bonus.
Monks need DEX or WIS to be effective.
+2 DEX and +1 WIS is the ideal starting array for Monks. Lucky will help you as much as Fighters because of all the melee attacks you'll be making and Halfling Nimbless will allow you to move freely around the battlefield.
- Mark of Finding: Monks will love that extra hunter’s mark damage but the subrace lack the all-important DEX bonus and monks can't cast the other spells of the mark.
- Mark of Passage: Mark of Passage builds on the monk’s maneuverability by giving them a free casting of misty step and synergizes with the need for DEX.
- Standard: Standard humans are pretty great for monks since they look for DEX, CON, and WIS when creating a character.
- Variant: You can increase your DEX, WIS, and CON scores as you see fit. Also, having a feat at 1st-level is really powerful, especially because monks usually want to take ASI over feats when they level up.
Look for subraces with DEX or use the Feral variant.
- Bloodline of Dispater: Only +1 DEX, but decent for sneaking.
- Bloodline of Glasya: Only +1 DEX, but decent for sneaking.
- Variant – Feral: +2 DEX is exactly what a monk is looking for, though INT is useless.
- Variant – Winged: Flight is amazing, though monks fight up close so it will only be useful for utility.
With the exception of Kensei monks, most monks don't have a ton of ranged options which makes the Aarakocra's flight significantly less attractive
It will be very hard to be an effective monk without a +2 DEX racial bonus.
Aasimar (2024):
A couple of damage Resistances are great for your survivability, and the Inner Radiance option combined with the extra damage from Celestial Radiance will go a long way.
Air Genasi:
Monks may not be using
shocking grasp that often, but both
feather fall and
levitate will make you more useful both in and out of combat. The extra movement speed, Darkvision, and damage resistance are all additional benefits.
Astral Elf:
Your high WIS makes
sacred flame an option and gives your monk an effective ranged option. When combined with additional mobility granted from
starlight step, this makes astral elves an effective base for monks.
Auto Gnome:
Monk's already get Unarmored Defensive, which makes the auto gnome's armor redundant. Beyond that, monk's will enjoy the ability to add d4 to their flurry of attacks, as well as the extra survivability the auto gnome's Construct creature type offers.
Nothing here for a monk, there are plenty of races that give a +2 DEX bonus.
- Updated: Monks get a ton of attacks, so they will be able to take advantage of the new bugbear Surprise Attack mechanics. Monks naturally like DEX, which synergizes well by boosting your initiative and allowing you to make use of the Sneaky trait.
Nothing here for a monk.
- Updated: Nothing here for a monk.
Monks just need +2 DEX or +2 WIS too badly for a Changeling to be a good choice.
- Updated: Free choice of ASIs doesn't really help the monk much here since they don't have anything to synergize with the changeling's traits, though they can at least pickup +2 DEX.
Deep Gnome:
Apart from advantage on saves against some spells, the main thing deep gnomes offer monks is out-of-combat utility.
Disguise self, improved Darkvision, and advantage on Stealth checks all can help with things monks usually aren't awesome at.
Dragonborn (2024):
The breath weapon fits well with the Monk's multi-attacks, and both damage resistance and flight amplify the Monk's already excellent mobility and defenses. Darkvision aids in stealthy maneuvers.
Unfortunately, RAW your monk's unarmed attacked don't get the extra 1d4 damage from being enlarged. Other than that, monks would appreciate the extra survivability duergars provide.
Dwarf (2024):
Monks are always looking for extra resiliency, and the Dwarf race provides that in spades. Combined with the additional senses bestowed through Darkvision and Stonecunning, and the race is a solid pick for these martial arts masters.
Earth Genasi:
You can already use your bonus action to evade damage and bypass difficult terrain, so earth genasi don't have much that monks are looking for.
Unfortunately, monks need their bonus action too much and are simultaneously squishy when in large groups and have terrible ranged options, which will make it difficult to Fey Step with any regularity. Monk's also get Step of the Wind, which can allow them to disengage for at the cost of a bonus action and a ki point, which overlaps with Fey Step's ability to get you out of trouble. Even though getting multiple
misty steps per long rest may seem appealing, there are better options out there for a monk.
Elf (2024):
Wood Elves are ideal Monks, as their Speed bonus and utility spells enhance the Monk’s agility and battlefield presence.
Monk's typically want to be up close and personal in order to use their martial arts. A Way of the Kensei monk could make decent use of the flight but would be restricted without access to a longbow.
The +2 to WIS is effective, but monks really rely on DEX for all of their class abilities.
- Updated: With the freedom to choose +2 DEX, the firbolg becomes a more attractive choice for a monk. The spells and effects here are nice, especially invisibility, as monks typically can't get access to that.
Fire Genasi:
Monks will enjoy the AoE melee option and a long-range cantrip, as well as the survivability buff from the fire resistance. Unfortunately, if you use
flame blade you can't use Flurry of Blows because you're technically making a spell attack, rather than using the Attack action.
- Air: Air genasi do get some DEX, but levitate will only be useful to use on your enemies or out of combat because monks need to be in melee range.
- Water: The water genasi provides CON and WIS, but without DEX the monk will be at a serious disadvantage.
Nothing here for a monk.
INT is useless for a monk.
- Githzerai: WIS is important for monks, and the githzerai comes with WIS and some solid defensive options. The issue is that DEX is even more important, and that’s sorely missed here.
Gnome (2024):
Gnome Cunning adds a layer of protection against spells that could impair mobility. Darkvision, Small size, and minor utility spells (particularly Minor Illusion) help Monks with scouting and mobility.
DEX and CON are a great start for a monk build as they need a high AC and hit points to survive in melee range. Nimble Escape works well with this class, but may not get much use as monks have many powerful options for their Bonus Action.
- Updated: Monks can already Disengage with Step of the Wind, though Fury of the Small will add some damage to the many attacks monks can take per round.
DEX and WIS are paramount for the effectiveness of a monk, so missing both here hurts. STR can be useful for a Grapple/Shove build, but that won’t be enough to make up for the poor stat distribution.
- Updated: Monks can be quite difficult to keep alive at low levels due to mediocre hit dice and AC. For low level campaigns, Stone's Endurance is a great way to make up for this before you get higher DEX and access to some of your better class features.
Goliath (2024):
Monks get more attacks than almost any other class, so having access to Hill's Tumble will mean you get to know enemies Prone and capitalize with Advantage on your attacks very frequently. While it's a narrow focus, it'll be incredibly potent.
A lot of the Hadozee's features are duplicated with the monk's class features. Slow Fall makes Glide redundant and the monk's Unarmored Movement allows them to run up walls by 9th level, so they don't need a climbing speed. The damage reduction of Hadozee Dodge is okay, but not worth picking this race over.
Halfling (2024):
Halflings get battlefield mobility, the ability to reroll 1s on attack rolls, some extra stealthiness, and their reduced Speed has been patched out in the 2024 update, so this is a great option for Monks.
The Perception proficiency will complement your high WIS modifier, and the extra movement options will allow you to flow around the battlefield like water. The Lucky Footwork ability will also give your Evasion ability a buff and help save you from even taking half damage.
Monks need DEX or WIS to be effective.
- Updated: Hobgoblins just don't make sense for monks since most monks need their bonus action nearly every turn in combat. Still, Fortune from the Many is useful to have as a failsafe for saving throws.
Human (2024):
Humans are excellent for Monks. Heroic Inspiration ensures crucial saving throws or attacks land, while the extra skill proficiency helps grab Perception or Persuasion, which the Monk skill list lacks. The extra Origin feat is a big advantage—Lucky further improves the chances that your attacks hit and Tough helps increase your Hit Points.
WIS is useful to the monk and the kalashtar’s traits offer even more defensive options. Grab a good amount of DEX and CON and the kalashtar makes a fine monk.
Monks have the ability and WIS needed to make Taunt effective, though the bonus action will interfere with their Flurry of Blows.
Both ability score bonuses are right in the monk’s wheelhouse, and the racial traits just add a nice stealth spin to the whole class. On top of that, a mostly silent monk seems like some pretty cool flavor.
DEX is the best stat for the monk, but a lack of WIS and CON can be deadly considering their low hit dice. With Ki abilities and Extra Attacks, that can add up to a whole lot of attack rolls with advantage.
- Updated: Monks need their bonus action for a variety of things in combat, so Draconic Cry may not always be the best use of it.
The bonus to CON can help with your meager durability and the Daunting Roar is an excellent ability to have if you get surrounded. Your natural weapons unfortunately don't add anything to your Martial Arts ability.
- Dhampir: Extra movement can help monk's navigate the battlefield. Monks are typically pretty multi-ability dependent, so they may not have a lot of ASIs for their CON after they pump their DEX and WIS. Regardless, the Vampiric Bite will be a solid feature to enable self-healing.
- Hexblood: A free bit of utility from disguise self and the Eerie Token effects. The best feature here is definitely hex, which can result in a ton of extra damage because of the monk's multitude of attacks.
CON and WIS work well for monks. This class already comes with Unarmored Defense, with the base AC being lower but uses both your DEX and WIS modifier. This means that Natural Armor will be better until both your DEX and WIS are high enough.
Like with the barbarian, the monk’s Unarmored Defense does not stack with Natural Armor, and Unarmored Defense is just better. At least monks benefit from both CON and WIS.
Monks need DEX and WIS, preferably both.
Monks need DEX and WIS for everything, not STR.
Orc (2024):
Orcs work surprisingly well as Monks. Adrenaline Rush boosts your already high speed, allowing you to control the battlefield with ease. Relentless Endurance gives you a safety net in tough encounters, which Monks are usually welcome to have because of their lower Hit Dice.
A prime candidate for monks, plasmoids can offer a ton of utility and combat effectiveness. The bonus to escape grapples, resistance against poison and acid, and advantage against poison can all help with survivability. The ability to squeeze through 1 inch gaps as long as your not wearing or carrying anything is almost purpose built for monks, who have Unarmored Defense and primarily use their fists to attack. Unfortunately, your pseudopod can't deliver any attacks, but the plasmoid race is still a very worthwhile choice for monks.
Small DEX bonus but no WIS or CON can hurt the multi-ability dependent monk. The Magic Resistance and extra speed are great, but the unarmed weapon will be outshone by your fists of death.
Monks need their bonus action for Flurry of Blows and other Ki-powered abilities, but they normally struggle with ranged options and survivability, both of which can be solved by the shadar-kai's Blessing of the Raven Queen.
- Wildhunt Shifter: Perfect ASI spread for monks, though nothing offered by the wildhunt shifter in terms of subrace features is of much interest.
Simic Hybrid:
DEX is your best choice for the ability score and CON is useful, but monks are typically looking for a race that can give them access to both DEX and WIS. Monks typically fight unarmored and in melee range, making Carapace a nice addition.
DEX is the best stat for the monk, and the tabaxi’s movement options synergize with the monk’s class features to make them one of the most agile people in a fight. CHA however is usually a dump stat for monks, who need to focus on DEX, WIS, and CON, leaving no room for the other stats.
Monks already have unarmored defense, but the ability to get advantage on Stealth checks is a nice boost. When it comes to Secondary Arms, it surprisingly doesn't make a huge difference. Monks can already attack as a bonus action using Martial Arts, and don't need to be wielding a weapon to make the offhand attack effective.
Tiefling (2024):
Monks tend to invest is Wisdom, so your spellcasting ability may not be horrible for the Tiefling's Fiendish Legacy spells. Unfortunately you don't get spell slots as a Monk, so each of the Level 3 and 5 spells will be one-a-day uses.
A STR brawler/grappler could work as a tortle monk, but really only at low levels. At higher levels the monk’s Unarmored Defense will begin to outclass Natural Armor.
Monks need DEX and WIS, preferably both.
WIS is the saving grace, but monks really want to see DEX. Monks do come with some good defensive options so Vedalken Dispassion makes them even more durable. Once you get the monk’s Stillness of Mind you have proficiency and advantage on a bunch of saving throws.
There is some overlap here with the monk’s class features at higher levels. Still, monk’s do well with higher AC and can focus on increasing WIS.
Water Genasi:
Not much here for monks beyond the resistance to acid and some situational aquatic abilities.