Best Feats for Artificers 5e
Published on December 7, 2024
Discover the best feats for your D&D Artificer! Enhance your inventing, expand your spellcasting, and support your allies with this guide to optimizing your Artificer build in 5e.
Raymond Swanland - Wizards of the Coast - Lightning Runner
Customizing Your 5e Artificer With Feats
Artificers get more chances than most classes to customize their build. On top of the typical race, spells, and subclass, they get a big list of Infusions that can create a variety of permanent, build-altering abilities. While its unlikely two Artificers are ever quite the same, they can further specialize by choosing feats, which offer yet another avenue to fine-tune your character’s unique blend of magic and mechanics.
In this detailed guide, we’ll delve into the feats available in D&D 5e and assess how they can influence different Artificer builds. Whether you aim to enhance your battlefield support, amplify your spellcasting prowess, or create an unstoppable master of invention, there’s a feat to help you craft a truly exceptional tinkerer.
What is this guide?
This guide is meant as a deep dive into the best feats for the 5e artificer. For the full overview of the class, check out our artificer class guide.
To allow you to scan through the options quickly, we use the following color rating scheme:
- Red : Isn’t going to contribute to the effectiveness of your character build at all
- Orange : Situationally good, but a below-average option otherwise
- Green : A good option
- Blue : A great option, you should strongly consider this option for your character
- Sky Blue: An amazing option. If you do not take this option your character would not be optimized
Artificer Feat Tier List
See below for quick overview of the ranking of feats for the Artificer class. Read on below the tier list or click on an option to discover the reasoning behind each feat's ranking.
Amazing Feats for Artificers
- Fey Touched: Great half-feat to boost INT, pickup misty step, and a 1st-level spell. Hex or hunter’s mark are great choices in most circumstances.
- Lucky: Artificers usually make a decent amount of attacks between the cantrips, ranged weapons, and melee weapon builds. Also, if you'll be crafting or picking locks for your party, Lucky provides even more usage. Plus, when combined with Tool Expertise and Flash of Genius, you'll be hard pressed to ever fail an ability check or saving throw.
- : The damage boost and ability to ignore cover from Sharpshooter make this a must-have if you are building a ranged artificer.
Great Feats for Artificers
- Crossbow Expert: If firearms aren’t available in your setting and you want to build a ranged artificer, this feat will be needed to outpace cantrip damage.
- Ember of the Fire Giant: This is an excellent option for Armorer or Battle Smith artificers. Even if you can’t pump Intelligence with the ASI, pumping Constitution can help with survivability.
- Fury of the Frost Giant: This is an excellent option for Armorer or Battle Smith artificers. Even if you can’t pump Intelligence with the ASI, pumping Constitution can help with survivability.
- Gunner: If firearms are available in your setting, this will be invaluable to a ranged artificer built around using firearms. As artificers are the only class to get firearm proficiency off the bat they can use them without this feat. That said, the advantages are undeniable. You can imbue your weapons, get killer buffs, and it works with most subclasses.
- Heavy Armor Master: Only applicable to the Armorer subclass, but it's a solid defense boost when applied.
- Keenness of the Stone Giant: If you're playing an artificer with a decent Constitution bonus, firing off a rock that can deal 1d10 and knock a target prone can be a relatively effective use of your bonus action. Better yet, cast magic stone on your rocks before combat and fire off these rocks as a bonus action for 1d10 + 1d6 + Intelligence modifier.
- Magic Initiate: This feat is stellar and opens up a ton of utility. Artificers that pick up wizard spells will find the most use out of this. Whether it’s absorb elements or expeditious retreat, it's an incredible feat to pick up for an artificer.
- Metamagic Adept: Since this class doesn’t get a lot of spell slots, this feat allows artificer to customize their limited spells a little better. Melee-focused artificer builds will love being able to cast heat metal as a bonus action and then using their action to attack.
- Rune Shaper: Great option to pick up chromatic orb for damage or armor of Agathys if you'll be a more melee-minded artificer.
- Scion of the Outer Planes: Even though artificers get a decent amount of cantrips for half-casters, they don't get access to either chill touch or sacred flame. Both of these are solid damage/debuff pickups that would compliment your trusty fire bolt, so choose whichever damage resistance you think will be more effective in your game.
- Telekinetic: This feat adds some serious value to artificers. They can already learn the mage hand cantrip but are on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to the number of cantrips they can know. The ASI to INT is always something artificers are interested in. Artificers don't typically have a use for the bonus action, so Telekinetic can offer some action economy as well as battlefield control.
Good Feats for Artificers
- Agent of Order: Increasing your Intelligence while gaining the ability to deal some extra force damage and lock enemies down is certainly not a bad option, but it's not incredibly exciting for the artificer.
- Baleful Scion: Regardless of your artificer's playstyle, being able to deal damage and heal with the same attack will always be beneficial.
- Chef: The CON boost isn't bad; it can help you maintain concentration. While it works well with any subclass, I think the best fit is Alchemists, as you can easily retheme this feat into tiny shots of healing elixirs.
- Crafter: While it's a pretty on-theme feat, Artificers have the ability to replicate magic items and cast spells, most of which will make the options provided by this feat irrelevant.
- Divinely Favored: Artificers can select supportive or defensive spells like guidance, bless, shield of faith, and even armor of Agathys. The holy symbol focus may not work for artificers because the rules state that they must have thieves’ tools or some kind of artisan’s tool in hand when they cast any spell.
- Fade Away: Gnomes make great artificers but this feat is simply outclassed by the Shadow Touched feat. The only way Fade Away comes out ahead is if you're planning on a more martial-minded artificer, like an Armorer or Battle Smith, and want some additional defensive capabilities.
- Fey Teleportation: Moving around the battlefield is excellent, and extra INT is always good. I would argue that this is better on Battle Smith and Armorer so they can move around in fights more easily.
- Fighting Initiate: Battle Smiths get access to martial weapons so they can choose this feat. Archery is a good choice for ranged builds and Defense or Protection would work if you want to tank.
- Flames of Phlegethos: Tieflings make alright artificers and this feat provides value for tiefling artificers that will be using the firebolt cantrip regularly. Pump your INT, get a bit extra fire damage, and create some protection against melee attacks.
- Gift of the Chromatic Dragon: Can be a good option for artificers that want to be in the fray, like Armorers and Battle Smiths, or even ones that are just attacking with a crossbow. If you've got a consistent use for your bonus action, losing a turn of this ability could impact it's effectiveness because combats are usually quite short in D&D 5e.
- Gift of the Gem Dragon: Can be a good option for artificers that want to be in the fray, like Armorers and Battle Smiths. Boost your Intelligence and gain a powerful reaction-based attack.
- Gift of the Metallic Dragon: You already have cure wounds so a free casting isn't particularly stellar. Still, the defensive boost and being able to stock one more spell per day isn't anything to stick your nose up at.
- Guile of the Cloud Giant: While this can help with survivability, Fey Touched can get you misty step and another useful spell while also pumping Intelligence.
- Heavily Armored: Not necessary for the Armorer artificer, but could be useful for the other subclasses that don't get heavy armor proficiency. Seeing as artificers want to be stacked into Intelligence first and Constitution second, it's a good idea to grab the dwarf race so you don't need to meet the heavy armor Strength requirements.
- Medium Armor Master: Not a terrible option for Alchemists, Artillerist, or Battle Smiths who want to boost their AC. Armorers can skip this because they gain access to heavy armor proficiencies.
- Observant: +1 to INT will help here if you take the variant human race at 1st level and have an odd INT score. +5 to passive perception and investigation will help if you're scouting ahead for the party or need to investigate your tinkering.
- Outlands Envoy: Getting a free casting of misty step once per day will help the artificer's limited spell slots, but they'll definitely find more value in the Fey Touched feat.
- Piercer: Another good pickup for the ranged artificer. If you will be dual-wielding hand crossbows you will get double the opportunity to get extra crit damage.
- Planar Wanderer: If you're playing a Planescape campaign with a heavy emphasis on interplanar travel, this can be a decent pickup for artificers with a proficiency in Arcana.
- Poisoner: This feat works well with the artificer's tinkering nature and synergizes really well for the Alchemist subclass. Even if your artificer won't be using the poison in combat, you could always give it to your martial party members.
- Second Chance: Not a bad feat for artificers, who have medium armor (sometimes heavy armor) and shields to boost their AC to respectable levels. Plus, Flash of Genius doesn't have any impact on attack rolls against you and some of the subclasses don't get access to the shield spell.
- Shadow Touched: Being able to recon with invisibility or just cast inflict wounds can be pretty powerful, and the stat boost is nothing to sneeze at. Almost any artificer subclass who wants more spell flexibility should pick this up.
- Skill Expert: Because of how flexible this class is, Skill Expert can work for just about any artificer build. It's a stellar pick for anyone who doesn't need a specific feat first, though in most cases artificers should try to get to 20 INT as quickly as possible. If you are going to be making tinkering checks using Sleight of Hand this is useful for doubling your proficiency bonus.
- Slasher: Artificers staying on the front line will find a lot of use for this if they prefer slashing weapons.
- Soul of the Storm Giant: Depending on your build, this can be helpful. If you're going to be within melee ranged, like an Armorer or Battle Smith, this is a great way to boost survivability. Unfortunately, you can't pump Intelligence, but you can boost Constitution.
- Spell Sniper: Artificers have limited spell slots and are sometimes forced to use cantrips or ranged weapons. If you’re going for a cantrip build and will be using fire bolt as your main source of damage, Spell Sniper is an alright feat.
- Telepathic: The +1 to Intelligence is welcome, but talking silently and detect thoughts aren't going to be particularly useful for artificers
- War Caster: Artificers get access to shield proficiencies, so builds that want to wield a weapon with their shield will have a use for War Caster. That said, artificers need to have their spellcasting focus in hand to cast spells that require material components. Luckily for artificers that want to wield a shield, any infused item can also count as a spellcasting focus.
Situationally Useful Feats for Artificers
- Alert: With no real burst damage or AoE, Artificers aren't craving the Initiative boost.
- Crusher: Because this class is so flexible, it can work with most feats. Melee-focused artificers like Battle Smiths or Armorers can get some great use out of this since they are melee-oriented.
- Dual Wielder: Artificers primarily focus on casting spells and creating magical objects. While they do have some martial abilities, taking Dual Wielder likely isn't the best use of a feat for them.
- Durable: Nothing particularly exciting here for an artificer.
- Elven Accuracy: Artificer is a very versatile class, so it’s hard to say whether or not this will make a substantial impact. Artificers will more often than not be using their INT for attack rolls, so this can work with just about any build. Unfortunately, none of the builds have a reliable way to get advantage which makes this feat subpar.
- Keen Mind: 1 to INT helps this feat be a little less useless for artificers.
- Linguist: Artificers can benefit from the Intelligence boost and the ability to create ciphers can fit well with their theme of magical invention.
- Mage Slayer: This feat can be handy depending on which subclass you take. Battle Smiths, in particular, want to be in the thick of it and get some hits in, same with Armorers with the Guardian armor. However, it's a pretty build-dependant feat, and artificers are incredibly diverse.
- Mobile: If you want to stay melee and pick up booming blade, this can be a potent feat. This isn’t a must-have feat, but it performs well in some builds.
- Mounted Combatant: Artificers that are focusing on ranged combat should skip Mounted Combatant. Battle Smiths and Armorers, on the other hand, could make decent use of the extra movement options and extra advantage on attacks. If you are creature size Small, the Battle Smith’s Steel Defenders can be mounted, but seeing as the Defender's creature size is Medium, you won't be getting advantage on your attacks against the majority of creatures.
- Resilient: Artificers already have proficiency in CON and INT, so the best options would be WIS or DEX. If your artificer is wearing medium armor, DEX is probably your best option because you can get a bonus to your AC out of the deal. Whereas Armorer artificers will likely want to go with WIS.
- Righteous Heritor: At 7th-level, you get Flash of Genius, which could be able to mitigate more damage per use than Soothe Pain if you turn a failed saving throw against something like a dragon's breath weapon into a success. You'll also get more uses out of Flash of Genius per long rest.
- Sentinel: If you are working with a Guardian Armor or a Battle Smith, Sentinel will likely get you some extra melee attacks in. This will likely get outshone by the Guardian’s ability to pull creatures towards you and make an attack at 15th level.
- Shield Master: Artificers can use this feat if they prefer to be in melee range, such as Battle Smiths and Armorers. This feat will make them much tankier than usual and is excellent overall for those builds. Unfortunately, these subclasses allow artificer's to ignore strength and attack/do damage with INT, so you'll need to pump a suboptimal ability score in order to use Shield Master's shove ability to the fullest.
- Squat Nimbleness: Could be decent for Armorer or Battle Smiths, as gnomes are an attractive option for artificers.
- Strike of the Giants: While some artificer subclasses will be using melee weapons, their Constitution likely won't be high enough to make the options that force saving throws worth it. If you're going to be solely focused on melee weapon attacks, the Fire Strike option might be worth it, but most of the time you'll get more out of a feat like Fey Touched.
- Tough: Artificers have reasonable survivability compared to other casters because of their shield/armor proficiencies and d8 hit dice. There are likely better uses for feat or ASI than the Tough feat.
Bad Feats for Artificers
- Athlete: Nothing here for an artificer.
- Cohort of Chaos: Unfortunately, this is too unpredictable to be a efficient use of a feat.
- Defensive Duelist: Artificers aren’t going to have a lot of DEX outside of what they need for AC. Most artificers in melee range benefit more from their spellcasting modifier (INT) than DEX.
- Eldritch Adept: They can find some use out of Eldritch Mind or some of the spellcasting options, but none of them are very impactful. Most of the time, artificers are better off with other feats unless they pick this for flavor reasons.
- Elemental Adept: Choosing Elemental Adept (Fire) is a great boon for the Artillerist because of their spell list and because they get the extra d8 from their Arcane Firearm.
- Grappler: Nothing here for an Artificer.
- Great Weapon Master: Artificers can’t use Heavy weapons outside of the Battle Smith subclass. It’s not a terrible option for Battle Smiths though, as they can easily imbue their Heavy weapon with something even more powerful.
- Healer: Artificers get access to some healing already and if you wanted to go for a more defined healing build, you could always take the Alchemist subclass.
- Inspiring Leader: Artificers don't normally stack into Charisma, so this is a skip.
- Lightly Armored: Already has access to light armor at the start.
- Martial Adept: This doesn't provide much value to most artificers. Even martial artificer subclasses won't benefit much from gaining a couple maneuvers plus one superiority dice per short/long rest.
- Orcish Fury: Nothing here for an artificer.
- Polearm Master: It’s hard to rank artificers because they have several distinct build possibilities. That said, most artificers would have no use for Polearm Master. The one subclass, in particular, that would be drawn to Polearm Master would be Battle Smiths. This is because they gain proficiency in martial weapons and can attack with their INT modifier. Battle Smiths can make better use of this feat because they can infuse it with Enhanced Weapon to increase their damage output. This benefit also extends to the 1d4 damage from the bonus attack.
- Revanent Blade: Artificers don't gain anything from this feat.
- Ritual Caster: Artificers already have Ritual Casting and should just take Magic Initiate if they want access to find familiar.
- Savage Attacker: Skip this feat.
- Skulker: In most cases, this feat doesn’t mesh well with artificers unless your DM approves firearms and you opt for some sort of sniper-gun build. Even then, this feat doesn’t work with your Steel Defender or Eldritch Cannon, making it pretty subpar all around.
- Tavern Brawler: Nothing here for an Artificer.
- Vigor of the Hill Giant: Neither effect really produce enough value to artificers to make this feat worthwhile. Focus on something that will either boost Intelligence, damage output, or utility.
- Weapon Master: You have access to simple weapons and that's all you need.
Sources Used in This Guide
- : 2014 Player's Handbook
- 2024 PHB: 2024 Player's Handbook
- BR: Basic Rules
- GotG: Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants
- SotDQ: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen
- ERLW: Eberron: Rising from the Last War
- EEPC: Elemental Evil Player’s Companion
- EGtW: Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount
- FToD: Fizban's Treasury of Dragon
- GGtR: Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica
- MotM: Monsters of the Multiverse
- MToF: Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes
- MOoT: Mythic Odyessys of Theros
- PAitM: Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse
- PHB: Player's Handbook
- SAiS: Spelljammer: Adventures in Space
- SCoC: Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos
- SCAG: Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide
- TCoE: Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
- TTP: The Tortle Package
- WBtW: The Wild Beyond The Witchlight
- : Unearthed Arcana
- VRGtR: Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft
- VGtM: Volo's Guide to Monsters
- XGtE: Xanathar’s Guide to Everything